Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 29

Bill's home! He was gone for the weekend, snowmobiling in the UP. Glad you're home, honey!


Kelly said...

Did I ever tell you about the time I crashed a snowmobile in Colorado and had to pay $1500 before I could leave. I'll never sign a damn waiver again. Well actually I'm never riding a snowmobile again. LOL.
Welcome home Bill!

Anonymous said...

WElcome home Bill!

Emily said...

Did he say hello to you first, or did he run straight for the computer? LOL

Glad he's back!

Susan's 365 said...

Glad he's back. I've never been on a snowmobile and I'm not sure I'm brave enough to either.

LotoFoto said...

I love snowmobiling.
Welcome back Bill!

Renfield said...

Actually, he was only on the computer for about 10 minutes. When I got home from work, he had picked up the kids, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, and was cooking dinner. YAY!

Tiffany said...

Welcome Home Bill! I want to go snowmobiling! Sounds fun!