Sunday, January 20, 2008

January 19

Caty was trying to give Hannah a run for her money for the title of "Fashion Diva" today. She put on her favorite black lace skirt and purple, cotton, polka dotted shirt. The brown hat and little-girl-applied make-up were bonuses. Later she would add white socks and light blue Crocs. I should note that Caty poses like a fashion model whenever a camera is pointed in her direction - hand on hips, under chin, behind her head, etc. I did NOT ask her to sit that way for the picture is my point - that's alllllll her.

I also chose this picture because I like how it turned out. It was a bright, sunny day here yesterday (frigid, but bright and sunny) and the sun was pouring through our windows. I like the way the sun is highlighting her hair and face, showing off her fair features.


Emily said...

LOL! Lydia udes to pose like that for every picture...even now its hard to get her to just sit or stand like a normal person...

Girls are weird! LOL

Great picture, though. :)

LotoFoto said...

I love the light in this picture too. Great catch!
Her eyes are so gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Uh...WOW! She is stunning! Garrett would have SUCH a huge crush if he saw her!

Kelly said...

WOW! Look at those eyes. I can see her being a big fashion model one day!
And that is a great photo.

Tiffany said...

She blows Hannah out of the water! What a great picture!

Susan's 365 said...

She is gorgeous! What a great photo.

Krishna said...

Very pretty. you should keep that for the next Gap open casting call--whenever it is..

Mary said...

Caty has beautiful eyes! That pale blue just jumped out at me!

Where do they get these poses from?!? Clara does that too...