Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 12

I don't have a picture for the 11th. Remember when I posted the pic of cold meds? Yeah, still have that cold and it isn't getting any better and the 11th was a particularly bad day.

Anyway, here is a picture of our latest obsession - Peggle Deluxe. It is so easy to get sucked into. There are 11 "basic" levels and then 15 "challenge levels" that you can only do after you complete the basic ones. I am on challenge level 4, I think, and Bill is on 5. We downloaded this game originally last summer. I had gotten all the way up to challenge level 15 and then one of the kids deleted my guy! GRRRRR!!!! When that computer went on the fritz, I put it on this one and now we are Peggle-obsessed once again. I know it doesn't look like it, but I really DID take this picture of my computer screen - it's not a cut and paste I swear!


Anonymous said...

Is it an online game?

LotoFoto said...

There's no way you took that with your phone!

Renfield said...

No, I have a real camera, too, and that is what I used here. Most of the time I don't have it with me when I am out so I use my phone then. My pictures from home and neighborhood are usually taken with my real camera.

Renfield said...

Yes, Emma (sorry!), it is a downloadable game from